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Pala Premium is Heraeus Kulzer's tooth line for the highest demands for aesthetics, function and natural appearance.

With its fully anatomical morphology and its natural light dynamic, it yields very high quality results, particularly for removable and fixed dentures, and thus facilitates effective integration to the residual dentition.

The Pala Premium tooth line includes Premium 6 for anterior teeth and Premium 8 for posterior teeth

Benefits at a glance:

- Maximum aesthetics with natural appearance of tooth shapes
- Individual set up without compromise
- High abrasion and natural opalescence is guaranteed with the NanoPearls® dental material
- Multifunctional in any setup concept as well as for eugnathic and disgnathic jaw relationships ensure more flexibility for the
dental technician
- Absolutely Lifelike: True to nature moulds identical to natural teeth
- Hardly distinguishable from residual dentition
- Widened base and increased volume for improved papillae contouring
- Labial twist for improved morphology

See the attached mould chart to make your choice