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Single Component Total-Etch Dental Adhesive

- Clinically proven. Universally accepted, industry-standard total-etch adhesive.
- Strong, durable bond. 15% filled material penetrates and reinforces dentin tubules to provide a long-lasting bond.
- Delivery options. Choose 5ml bottle or convenient Unidose® delivery.

OptiBond® Solo Plus™ is a single-component dental adhesive designed for both direct and indirect bonding applications. It is 15% filled with the same 0.4 micron filler found in the Kerr Point 4 composite. The filler not only reinforces the hybrid zone but also penetrates the dentin tubules, creating a true "structured bond" not found in unfilled or even "nano" filled dental adhesive systems. This dental bonding technology provides protection against micro-leakage, while sustaining high bond strengths to a variety of surfaces.

Contains: 2 Bottles OptiBond Solo Plus (5 ml each), 1 Syringe Gel Etchant (3 g), 20 Gel Etchant Syringe Tips, 25 Four-Cavity Mixing Wells, 100 Applicator Tips, Directions for Use, Technique Guide

# Optibond, # opti bond